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Interested in scheduling a workshop?


Online Case Teaching Workshop


In this workshop, offered by David Wood in partnership with Ivey Business School, we will explore the challenges and benefits of teaching cases online. Participants will learn how to design their course for online learning through a multimodal delivery. Over this three week program, participants will experience online case learning for the perspective of the students, work together with a team of colleagues to develop a teaching plan for the case method online, and develop an online course design for their own course with the help of expert faculty from Ivey.


During the three weeks, participants will have the opportunity to explore many asynchronous and synchronous tools for online learning including polling, videos, discussion forum, sticky notes, journals, quizzes, file sharing, synchronous small group meetings, and large group discussions. This is a hands-on workshop for participants to learn both through the content and the pedagogy.


The workload will include approximately eight hours of work each week (about five hours of individual and group preparation and three hours of synchronous class).


For more details see




The Case Learning Workshop

This half-day workshop introduces students to the three stage case learning process. It covers individual preparation, small group discussion and the teaching of a sample case. The outline is:



The Three Stage Case Learning Process

  1. Individual reading and preparation

               The Case Preparation Chart

  2. Small group discussion

  3. Large group discussion (class)

    The teaching of a sample case and debriefing

    What is a case?

    Why use cases?

    The Case Difficulty Cube

    Concluding questions and answer


Text:  Learning with Cases

The Case Teaching Workshop

This intensive and participative three-day workshop focuses on helping participants teach effectively using cases. Participants will work through all steps in the case teaching process using various exercises, group discussions and case teaching practice sessions. This workshop is designed for those who are new to the use of cases for teaching, as well as those who have case teaching experience but want to improve their teaching effectiveness. The outline is:

Day 1 Morning




The Three Stage Case Learning Process

  1. Individual reading and preparation;  The Case Preparation Chart

  2. Small group discussion

  3. Large group discussion (class)

The teaching of a sample case and debriefing
What is a case?
Why use cases?
The Case Difficulty Cube

Day 1 Afternoon
Day 2 Morning
Day 2 Afternoon
Day 3 Morning
Day 3 Afternoon

Prerequisites for case teaching

Instructor preparation for class

The Case Analysis Record (CAR)

The Case Teaching Plan

The Case Teaching Plan (cont’d)

Practice case teaching

Managing the classroom process

The art of questioning and responding

Practice case teaching

Practice case teaching

Evaluating class contribution

Student counselling

Case use variations

Case use in a non-case environment

Challenges in case teaching


Texts: Learning with Cases and Teaching with Cases


Note: The Case Teaching Workshop starts with the Case Learning Workshop during the first half day to show the participants how to introduce the case method to their students. Moreover, instructors need to be at least as well prepared as their students. All of the material used in the Case Learning Workshop can be used by participants in the Case Teaching Workshops subsequently without charge or copyright infringement.

The Case Writing Workshop

This intensive and participative four-and-a-half day workshop teaches participants how to write good cases quickly. Each participant actually writes a small field-based case and preliminary teaching note, working through all the steps of the case writing process. Participants will also review each other’s cases at various stages of completion. This provides experience in evaluating cases written by colleagues or case writers. Several concepts, unique to this workshop, permit a speed of progression normally not considered achievable. The outline is:

Day 1 Morning




What is a case?

Why use cases?

The Case Difficulty Cube

The three phase case writing process and its fifteen steps

Preparation for field work

Day 1 Afternoon
Day 2 Morning
Day 2 Afternoon
Day 3 Morning
Day 3 Afternoon
Day 4 Morning
Day 4 Afternoon
Day 5 Morning

Interview with the case contact

Opening paragraph assessment

Opening paragraph revision

Case Plan preparation

Case Plan assessment

Case Plan revision


Additional Data Gathering

Case rough drafting


Case and preliminary teaching note rough drafting

Review of rough drafts

Revision of rough drafts

Polishing of case and preliminary teaching note

Proofreading of final case

Test teaching of a case written during the workshop

Challenges in case writing


Texts: Learning with Cases andWriting Cases

Custom Workshops

In September 2019, Mike and Louise gave a two day Case Teaching and Writing Workshop to 26 participants from six countries from the Association of Asian Pacific Business Schools at the Moscow Skolkovo School of Management.

Custom workshop of different lengths and coverages can be designed to suit specific needs, schedules and locations.


For inquiries, please contact


Workshop Instructors

The authors of these case method books and specially trained colleagues are the workshop instructors. They have collaborated on the teaching of these workshops for more than 30 years.

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